Sunday, October 14, 2007

It's Fun to Play at the YMCA!

We spent Saturday morning in Portland at the YMCA's Open House Family Day. By quite a few years, Grace was the youngest & tiniest person there but that certainly didn't stop her from grabbing a basketball and going right out to the middle of the basketball court to join the big kid and adult game that was going on! Although Grace didn't make the shot into the hoop, she definitely was the show stopper and all-star of the game!


  1. Dear Grace,
    We love you on the basketball court with a basketball!

    All I can say: You will always shoot for the stars!
    You are an Amazing Grace.
    I Love You Higher than any basketball can go, Maddy XO

  2. Don't you love the innocence and lack of inhibition. What will her thoughts be when she looks back and realizes how much presence and confidence she had at such an early age. You go, Girl!!!
    Love you, every inch,
