Thursday, August 2, 2007

Eight Months Old!

Here are a few amazing things that our Amazing Grace has done and loved this past month:

  • Standing! Grace was standing for ~10 seconds at the beginning of the month and now is able to stand well over a minute. Grace also stands and reaches down to pick up dropped objects.
  • Cruising along the furniture
  • Crawling from room to room to explore, play, and chase our cats
  • Kneeling
  • Grace has recently been trying to take steps to walk....look out Mommy & Daddy!
  • Grace loves finger foods. Her favorites are cereal, tofu, and soft fruits & vegetables
  • Grace now uses her fingers (pincer grasp) to pick up very, very tiny objects
  • Lots of babbling and imitation of some sounds and facial expressions
  • Squealing loudly to express happiness and excitement
  • The most exciting development for us this past month is that Grace has started to produce word approximations including: "Eh-buh" for her beloved Ella the Elephant, "buh" for bug, "bah" for ball, "ah-puh" for apple, "puh" for pop (during bubble play), "em" for Emma
  • Waving hello and bye-bye!
  • Grace now has a total of six teeth (four on top, two on the bottom)
  • Swimming lessons all month at the Y with Mommy - we both love it!
  • Grace continues to recognize more & more words, objects, and pictures every day
  • Grace is responding to simple directions such as "look," "come," "come up," & "listen" (Grace stops moving and turns her head slightly when she hears "listen")
  • Grace now understands what a buckle does. It keeps her in her feeding seat and car seat but it can also let her out! Grace frequently touches the buckles when she wants to get out!
  • Grace's hair has started to curl in the back! :)
  • Favorite things: ladybugs, balls, blocks, swimming, music/dancing, the IKEA step stool, farm animals, and most of all books! Grace and I read books for an hour (or more) every day - she can't get enough of them. We include books in all of Grace's everyday activities.


  1. Dear Grace,

    It is great to see that you are continuing to grow and develop into a smart and beautiful girl. By the way, we are excited for this weekend, because we will get to see your Maddy and Poppy =) Next week, you can see pictures of them on our Blog =) Enjoy your next month of life and all the exciting new things that you will experience.

    With Love,

    Matt, Melissa, and Michaela.

  2. Hi Dear Grace,
    Happy 8th month old birthday! We are here in Voorhees, New Jersey for Robert&Anna's wedding. We found a computer in the lobby and wanted to leave you a message. You cannot believe how hot and HUMID it is here, too.
    We loved reading all about the things you do--Wow! More new things everyday!
    We'll take lots of pictures of everyone so that you can see them. We will give Michaela your gift and a big hug and kiss from you!
    Missing and loving you from New Jersey to Maine and back,
    Maddy And Poppy
