Wednesday, August 22, 2007

Echo Lake Aquarium and Science Center

We spent the day at the Echo Lake Aquarium and Science Center. We saw frogs and toads, fish, snakes, a water bubble tower, turtles, dinosaurs, and water exhibits. Grace loves new experiences. Uncle Adam showed Grace the world!
Uncle Adam, Maddy, and Grace are doing a weather report on the television screen. We're not exactly sure what the weather will be for tomorrow and maybe it's best you just turn the channel!

1 comment:

  1. It is difficult to believe that Grace is only 8 1/2 months. She accepts new places and experiences with such delight and enthusiasm. This a trait that will only continue to grow as Grace does. She truly is an "amazing" learner.
    All My Love to My Intrepid Explorer, Maddy

    The weather report was exciting but I look scary on television! Only my head!!!
