Sunday, July 8, 2007

Special Moments Last a Lifetime

The way a book is read~which is to say, the qualities a reader brings to the book - can have as much to do with its worth as anything the author puts into it. ~Norman Cousins~


  1. Dear Grace,
    I felt as though I had the whole world in your room.

    A joy shared is more than a joy doubled with you.
    Rememberances of all nice things,
    Love, Maddy

  2. What a beautiful picture...a special moment for sure. Love, Melissa

  3. Dear Grace,
    Sharing a special story in your beautiful room with your sweet Maddy...truly a special moment, you lucky girl... Keep on reading and enjoying the magic of books, they'll take you many places. Sarah loved books just like you, and now she's off to India!
    Love, Donna
