Monday, July 2, 2007

Seven Months Old!

It seems as though I just posted Grace's six month old picture - it's hard to believe that another month has gone by so quickly. Here are some "Amazing Grace" things that have happened over the past month:
  • Grace started the month off by getting into a sitting position from her tummy and quickly advanced to always wanting to sit while playing
  • now crawls long distances (across rooms)
  • pulling to stand (ALL THE TIME!)
  • standing up to 5-6 seconds with hands free (a new development within the past week)!
  • starting to cruise along furniture
  • kneeling
  • identifies familiar objects and people by looking when she hears the word or in response to, "Where's (named object/person?)" (e.g., butterfly, fan, book, our cats, cup, spoon, ball, car, hat, Mommy, Daddy, light, hair, car, flowers, leaves)
  • started finger foods - picks up food using pincer grasp (small pieces of banana, sweet potato puffs, and Cheerios)
  • two new teeth (left upper middle tooth & the one adjacent to it)
  • brushing teeth (all four of them!) after every meal
  • drinking from a straw cup & an open cup
  • consistently turning pages of books
  • beginning to tap and touch pictures in books
  • first time visiting a farm
  • taking baths in regular tub
  • started swimming lessons
  • sat in umbrella stroller for the first time
  • new sounds and sound combinations


  1. Happy, happy living, and how lucky we are that you are showing us all how great every minute is and how exhilerating new experiences are!
    Loving you and all that you do,

  2. Dear Grace,
    I am here visiting you at your home right now and I am seeing with my very own eyes all of the things that Mommy talks about. You are doing so many new things each day that Mommy can't even keep up with her list! Every moment is a treasure from watching your amazing smile while you stand in your crib in the morning to eating all of the healthy foods Mommy prepares for you, watching you take a big girl bath in the real tub, watching you crawl from room to room and discover & learn at each turn, to enjoying our story time together as you turn each page with anticipation and sneaking peeks of you napping and sleeping in your crib. How I am loving every minute. I love you. Maddy
