Saturday, July 21, 2007

Maine Blueberries

We ended our day picking blueberries in Limerick. Grace enjoyed the lucious fields of green and looking at the pretty berries. She was a big helper, grabbing at the bushes as Daddy picked the blueberries. Grace tended to take the branches with the berry and crush them all with her strong wee hands but it was the thought that counted!


  1. Fresh Blueberries...what a yummy treat. MJ and I like to put blueberries in our cereal and our yogurt. Enjoy eating them. Love, Melissa and MJ

  2. Hi Our Most Amazing and Dearest Grace,

    You are as hard to resist and as deliciously addictive as those blueberries that you picked!!
    We LOVE You Our Little Berry,

    PS--See you tomorrow! We can't wait to kiss and hug you.XOXOXO
