Saturday, April 7, 2007

We Think She Likes It!!!

Homemade organic butternut squash -- who wouldn't love it in their pajamas on a Saturday morning?!


  1. Just when you thought life couldn't get any better, Grace!
    I love you my dearest, sweet (squashy) Grace.
    I could just kiss your cute face all day,
    I love you from soup to nuts~~Your Maddy

    Uncle Adam will be soooo impressed and happy that you are eating all natural and organic!

  2. Wow...if that isn't a picture of utter joy, I don't know what is! I have got to try some of that squash. Grace, soon you'll be on to green eggs and ham (along with Sam I Am)and lots of other good food that your mom will make for you. You're a lucky girl.

    I love you all to the moon and back.

    Love, Poppy

  3. Yummy yum! Pretty soon you won't know which food you like better, squash, peas, carrots, green beans, and on an on. A whole new world of delight awaits you.
