Wednesday, April 4, 2007

Rolling, Rolling, Rolling and Rolling Some More!

Big news today: Grace rolled from her tummy to her back several times! I brought out the video camera so Daddy could see this when he came home from work but I was so excited that I dropped the camera! Now Grace is able to roll from her back to tummy & tummy to back. Oh the places she'll go now!

After all that rolling, Grace took some well deserved relaxation time with one of her favorite things -- her "lovey" named Ella the Elephant pictured here. After hearing about "flat teddy bears," which are a new safe alternative to stuffed animals for babies, Maddy searched long and hard and found a flat elephant for Grace! In order to fall asleep at night, Grace looks intently around her crib to find Ella and once she makes eye contact with her pink friend (and Glow Worm) she closes her eyes and falls fast asleep!


  1. Whooopeee!

    I am tickled pink just like Ella that you are such a mover and a shaker! Another just kicked it up another notch, Grace.

    I can't wait to see you rolling around. Tell Mommy and Daddy that you are a rolling stone that will not gather any moss...they'll know what that means!
    With my greatest love, Your Maddy
    On April 4,2007
    a damp, cold, day with a mix of snow, rain and sleet

  2. Hi Grace,
    I wanted to tell you about a wonderful new book that I just discovered. It is "Elephants Can Paint Too!" by Katya Arnold. As an art teacher, Katya has a love of art. She also is facinated with elephants. When she travels to Asian countries Katya begins to believe that she can teach elephants to paint. She sees similar traits between the way her students use their hands and elephants use their trunks to hold brushes. Now the Elephant Art is sold and the money is used to help protect the future of these incredible animals.

    Also, I just have to leave you with this fact as you hold and love your Ella. Mother elephants dote on their infants. The femals live in matriarchal groups that include Grandmothers, Mothers, Aunts, Cousins and the babies. They are a strong and powerful group of girls!
    LOVE, Maddy
    very early on a Friday morning,
    it's still too dark to see the weather--23 degrees
