Sunday, April 1, 2007

Go Grace!

April is off to a big start already! Here are some pictures of Grace going for a walk with Mommy, Daddy, and Emma in her jogging stroller for the very first time!Here's Grace WINKING and WAVING at the neighbors. She certainly knows how to show off her new ride. Work it Grace! Grace loved the jogging stroller so much that she was fast asleep by the time we got home.


1 comment:

  1. I am so glad that I found this great jogging stroller at a garage sale last summer. Poppy and I had the best time bringing it home and shining,buffing,polishing and cleaning it up for you. After it was clean to perfection we drove to the gas station and put air in the tires. Poppy was pushing it
    around the parking lot. Many people were looking at him wondering where the baby was! He can be very funny! We thought that it would be a good thing for you to have on your country dirt roads.

    Glad that you are big enough to go for rides in the stroller now. Isn't spring just delicious?

    For those of you that do not know Emma---she is one of the most incredible cats ever! Bob and Rebecca go for LONG walks and Emma is always right with them. She walks ahead just a bit and looks back just to be sure that they are following her! The neighbors (and their dogs!) are always surprised to see her on a family walk, too!!
    I love you, too, Emma.
    Love from your Maddy
    =^..^= {for Emma}
    :-X {for Grace}
