Friday, December 15, 2006

Precious Grace

Here is our little Princess at 14 days old - words can't describe how precious she is.

Her favorite things are a mirror, her toy butterfly from cousin Michaela, leg massages, and a clean diaper.


  1. She is so sweet. I remember how Michaela liked to sleep with her arms up like that...I love that, it is really cute. We love you all. Matt, Melissa, and Michaela.

  2. This comment has been removed by the author.

  3. Dearest Grace it is the morning of your life and all of your sweet dreams are just beginning for you. We LOVE you, Maddy and Poppy

  4. I am so happy you guys have a blog. I love seeing the pictures of Grace. She is absolutely precious.
    Love, Matt

  5. Hi Rob & Rebecca!
    Grace is a sweet baby--congratulations!! The Abba picture is so fun :)
    Andy and I are visiting for Rose's b-day.
    Love from Jen (Goguen)& Andy McGrail

  6. Sleep tight precious--pleasant dreams. Merry Christmas I love you
    Aunt Judy
